terminate the mindset that weight loss is hard

terminate the mindset that weight loss is hard

mindset:  it's too hard for old, fat people to lose weight Next year I turn 40.  When I turned 20, I was young and trim and, being at university, my life consisted of studying, drinking, running and socialising - but not in that order, obviously. Fast forward to my 30th birthday.  Still relatively young, but not so trim anymore.  Probably about 10 kilograms above my ideal weight.  Not enormous, but not so great. Along came my 39th birthday earlier this year - no longer young and now firmly in the 'definitely fat' camp.  On my 39th birthday I was 30 kilograms overweight, sitting...
fat people can’t eat in public

fat people can’t eat in public

One of the things I love about the fresh food markets are the delicious smells that waft around me as I stumble through them.  I'm usually barking out orders to the kids - "stay close", "watch out, there are people trying to walk past", "yes, I know that you are hungry and we can eat something when we get home", "okay, you can eat some raw broccoli, you freaks". My favourite market food is a tasty curry.  I love the smell of the spices, fresh coriander and of course, naan bread.  Life is complete with naan bread.  Walking past, I...
your mindset determines your future

your mindset determines your future

Hello, I'm still here.  And thanks to my mindset, I'm still fat. I've 'tried' to lose weight in the past year. It hasn't worked. I know why. It's because of my fundamental mindset. I don't believe I can ever lose weight. I know how to lose weight. It's quite formulaic and everyone knows it. Eat healthy, whole foods. Eat very little processed foods. Stay away from alcohol and move your body every single day. But how do you deal with the mindset or belief that you have about yourself, about losing weight, about being able to stick to a healthy eating plan...